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力科WavePro 715Zi-A 示波器_数字示波器_示波器_电子测试仪器_北京岳立天成
力科WavePro 715Zi-A 示波器
  • 力科WavePro 715Zi-A 示波器

力科WavePro 715Zi-A 示波器

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  • 品名:力科WavePro ...
  • 商品品牌:【美国力科(lecroy)】
  • 商品重量:0克
  • 上架时间:2015-08-12
  • 商品点击数:365
WavePro 7Zi 示波器擅长提供的通用工具,在其他厂家的1.5GHz到6GHz示波器上难见踪影。WavePro7Zi系列示波器包含可选的50Ω和1MΩ输入功能。 4GHz和6 GHz型号包括ProBus和Prolink输入接口,这意味着可连接8个探头,然后通过仪器面板或遥控的方式从这8个探头中选择。这样即使使用4GHz到6GHz型号也能很容易连接一个无源探头,并很容易找到一个1MΩ输入适配器。另外,任何已经购买的力科探头,如电流探头,单端或差分有源探头,高压探头,都可继续在WavePro7Zi上使用。


高带宽边沿触发,以及10个不同的SMART 触发,帮助你迅速定位问题。大多数SMART触发可以触发低至200ps的脉冲。高速串行触发可触发高达2.7 Gb / s的多达80位长度的串行序列,包括了内置的硬件时钟恢复模块。






即使是最优秀的触发技术也不能找到所有偶发事件,而工程师往往需要这一个功能。WaveScan 可以定位一次捕获中的异常事件(即捕获和搜索)或在长时间、多次采集的数据中扫描一个事件。可以选择20多种搜索模式(频率、上升时间、占空比等),应用搜索条件,开始搜索。在找到事件时,WaveScan会在屏幕上高亮显示错误,并以列表方式显示这些错误。






力科能够做到长时间采集的数据无缝存入采集存储器,易于使用。7Zi系列示波器专有的X - Stream II流线式结构支持捕捉,放大,测量和分析多个多达256 Mpts存储深度的波形,你将体验到比现今示波器快10到20倍的性能。无论是查看捕获到的信号或是对多个波形进行统计分析、跟踪频率或者识别复杂数据序列,WavePro7Zi都能胜任。



在第一次使用Zi 示波器时,您会体会到前所未有的响应能力。采集最长记录长度的波形并做最复杂的波形分析,均可很容易地在同一时间内进行,您可使用前面板或鼠标、触摸屏来操作示波器。



X-Stream II Architecture架构



X -Sream II技术设计是为长存储器操作和响应能力设计的,即使当示波器正在执行多个100 Mpts的波形时也能实现高数据吞吐量。它不需要在长存储和快速处理之间进行权衡。 WavePro7Zi专有的X-Stream架构在英特尔?Core?2四核处理器(12 GHz的有效时钟速率),高速串行数据总线,Windows7 64位操作系统和8GB内存的支撑下,性能更强大。



通过将波形分段成多个可变长度,大大提高了CPU缓存的效率。WavePro 7Zi对长存储数据进行快速处理,其它示波器快-10- 20倍。






数字滤波器软件包(WPZi- DFP2)
DFP2让您实现有限或无限冲激响应滤波器,以消除不需要的频谱成分,如噪音,或者观察重要的频率分量。您可以选择标准的FIR 或IIR滤波器,也可以自己设计过滤器参数。






Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Option (MS-250/MS-500)
混合信号选项可以把WavePro 7Zi 转换成拥有最多36条数字通道的混合信号示波器,这些通道的采样率可以高达2GS/s,每条通道达到50Mpts.拥有最多36个数字输入及时间同步的4条模拟通道,扩大了示波器的用途,提供了完整的系统视图。





Vertical System

Analog (ProBus Input) Bandwidth @ 50 Ω (-3 dB) 1.5 GHz (≥10 mV/div)
Analog (ProBus Input) Bandwidth @ 1 MΩ (-3 dB) 500 MHz (typical) (≥5 mV/div)
Rise Time (10–90%) 235 ps (typical, flatness mode)
Rise Time (20–80%) 176 ps (typical, flatness mode)
Input Channels 4
Bandwidth Limiters 20 MHz, 200 MHz, 1 GHz
Input Impedance 50 Ω+/-2% or 1 MΩ||16pF, 10 MΩ || 11 pF with supplied Probe
Input Coupling ProBus Inputs - 1 MΩ: AC, DC, GND; 50 Ω: DC, GND
Maximum Input Voltage 50 Ω: ±5 Vrms
1 MΩ: 250 V max. (peak AC: < 10 kHz + DC)
Channel-Channel Isolation DC to 2 GHz: 46 dB (>200:1 VSWR)
2 to 4 GHz: 34 dB (>50:1 VSWR)
4 to 6 GHz: 26 dB (>20:1 VSWR)
(For any two ProLink input channels, same v/div settings, typical)
Vertical Resolution 8 bits; up to 11 bits with enhanced resolution (ERES)
Sensitivity 50 Ω: 2 mV–1 V/div, fully variable (2-9.99 mV/div via zoom); 1 MΩ: 1 mV–10 V/div, fully variable
DC Gain Accuracy ±1.5% of full scale
Offset Range 50 Ω (ProBus):
±750 mV @ 10–170 mV/div
±4 V @ 172 mV/div -1 V/div
1 MΩ:
±1V @ 2–128 mV/div
±10V @ 130mV-1.28V/div
±100V @ 1.3V-10V/div
Offset Accuracy ±(1.5% of full scale + 1.0% of offset value + 1 mV)

Horizontal System

Timebases Internal timebase common to 4 input channels; an external clock may be applied at the auxiliary input
Time/Division Range 20 ps/div–1000 s/div (RIS mode: 20 ps/div - 10 ns/div; Roll mode: up to 1000 s/div)
Clock Accuracy < 1 ppm + (aging of 0.5ppm/yr from last calibration)
Time Interval Accuracy < 0.06 / SR + (clock accuracy* Reading) (rms)
Jitter Noise Floor 1.5 ps (TIE, typical)
Trigger and Interpolator Jitter 3 psrms (typical) <0.1 ps rms (typical, software assisted)
Channel-Channel Deskew Range ±9 x time/div. Setting, 100 ms max., each channel
External Timebase Reference (Input) 10 MHz; 50 Ω impedance, applied at the rear input
External Timebase Reference (Output) 10 MHz; 50 Ω impedance, output at the rear
External Clock 30 MHz–2 GHz, 50 Ω impedance, applied at the auxiliary input

Acquisition System

Single-Shot Sample Rate/Ch 20 GS/s on 2 Ch
10 GS/s on 4 Ch
(Option WPZi-1.5GHZ-4X20GS doubles the sample rate)
Random Interleaved Sampling (RIS) 200 GS/s for repetitive signals (20 ps/div to 10 ns/div)
Maximum Trigger Rate 1,000,000 waveforms/second (in Sequence Mode, up to 4 channels)
Intersegment Time 1 µs
Memory Options (4 Ch / 2 Ch / 1Ch) S-32 Option:
32M / 64M / 64M
M-64 Option:
64M / 128M / 128M
L-128 Option:
128M / 256M / 256M
Standard Memory (4 Ch / 2 Ch / 1Ch) (Number of Segments) 10 M / 20 M / 20M

Acquisition Processing

Averaging Summed averaging to 1 million sweeps; continuous averaging to 1 million sweeps
Enhanced Resolution (ERES) From 8.5 to 11 bits vertical resolution
Envelope (Extrema) Envelope, floor, or roof for up to 1 million sweeps
Interpolation Linear or Sin x/x

Triggering System

Modes Normal, Auto, Single, and Stop
Sources Any input channel, Aux, Aux/10, or line; slope and level unique to each source (except line trigger)
Coupling Mode DC, AC, HFRej, LFRej
Pre-trigger Delay 0–100% of memory size (adjustable in 1% increments of 100 ns)
Post-trigger Delay 0–10,000 divisions in real time mode, limited at slower time/div settings or in roll mode
Hold-off by Time From 2 ns up to 20 s or from 1 to 99,999,999 events
Internal Trigger Range ±4.1 div from center
Trigger Sensitivity with Edge Trigger (Ch 1–4) ProBus Inputs 2 div @ < 1.5 GHz
1.5 div @ < 750 MHz
1.0 div @ < 200 MHz
(for DC, AC, LFRej coupling, ≥ 10 mV/div, 50 Ω )
External Trigger Sensitivity, (Edge Trigger) 2 div @ < 1 GHz
1.5 div @ < 500 MHz
1.0 div @ < 200 MHz
(for DC, AC, LFRej coupling)
External Trigger Input Range Aux (±0.4 V); Aux/10 (±4 V)
Max. Trigger Frequency, SMART Trigger 1.5 GHz @ ≥ 10 mV/div (minimum triggerable width 500 ps)

Basic Triggers

Edge Triggers when signal meets slope (positive, negative, or either) and level condition.
Window Triggers when signal exits a window defined by adjustable thresholds
TV-Composite Video Triggers NTSC or PAL with selectable line and field; HDTV (720p, 1080i, 1080p) with selectable frame rate (50 or 60 Hz) and Line; or CUSTOM with selectable Fields (1-8), Lines (up to 2000), Frame Rates (25, 30, 50, or 60 Hz), Interlacing (1:1, 2:1, 4:1, 8

SMART Triggers

State or Edge Qualified Triggers on any input source only if a defined state or edge occurred on another input source. Delay between sources is selectable by time or events.
Qualified First In Sequence acquisition mode, triggers repeatably on event B only if a defined pattern, state, or edge (event A) is satisfied in the first segment of the acquisition. Holdoff between sources is selectable by time or events.
Dropout Triggers if signal drops out for longer than selected time between 1 ns and 20 s.
Pattern Logic combination (AND, NAND, OR, NOR) of 5 inputs (4 channels and external trigger input). Each source can be high, low, or don’t care. The High and Low level can be selected independently. Triggers at start or end of the pattern.

SMART Triggers with Exclusion Technology

Glitch Triggers on positive or negative glitches with widths selectable as low as 200ps (depending on oscilloscope bandwidth) to 20 s, or on intermittent faults.
Width (Signal or Pattern) Triggers on positive, negative, or both widths with widths selectable as low as 200ps (depending on oscilloscope bandwidth) to 20 s, or on intermittent faults.
Interval (Signal or Pattern) Triggers on intervals selectable between 1 ns and 20 s.
Timeout (State/Edge Qualified) Triggers on any source if a given state (or transition edge) has occurred on another source. Delay between sources is 1 ns to 20 s, or 1 to 99,999,999 events.
Runt Trigger on positive or negative runts defined by two voltage limits and two time limits. Select between 1 ns and 20 ns.
Slew Rate Trigger on edge rates. Select limits for dV, dt, and slope. Select edge limits between 1 ns and 20 ns.
Exclusion Triggering Trigger on intermittent faults by specifying the expected behavior and triggering when that condition is not met

Cascade (Sequence) Triggering

Capability Arm on "A" event, then Trigger on "B" event. Or Arm on "A" event, then Qualify on "B" event, and Trigger on "C" event. Or Arm on “A” event, then Qualify on “B” then “C” event, and Trigger on “D” event
Types A, B, C, or D event: Edge, Glitch, Width, Window, Dropout, Interval, Runt, Slew Rate, or Pattern (analog).
Holdoff Holdoff between A and B, B and C, C or D, or any is selectable by time or number of events
Reset Reset between A and B, B and C, C and D, or any combination is selectable in time or number of events

High Speed Serial Protocol Triggering

Pattern Length -
Clock and Data Outputs -
Clock Recovery Jitter -
Hardware Clock Recovery Loop BW -

Color Waveform Display

Type Color 15.3" flat panel TFT-Active Matrix LCD with high resolution touch screen
Resolution WXGA; 1280 x 768 pixels.
Number of traces Display a maximum of 8 traces. Simultaneously display channel, zoom, memory and math traces.
Grid Styles Auto, Single, Dual, Quad, Octal, X-Y, Single+X-Y, Dual+X-Y
Waveform Representation Sample dots joined, or sample dots only


Type Intel® CoreTM 2 Quad, 3 GHz (or better)
Processor Memory 8 GB standard
Operating System Microsoft Windows® Vista Business Edition (64-bit) with SP1
Real Time Clock Date and time displayed with waveform in hardcopy files. SNTP support to synchronize to precision internal clocks.

Setup Storage

Front Panel and Instrument Status Store to the internal hard drive, over the network, or to a USB-connected peripheral device.


Remote Control Via Windows Automation, or via LeCroy Remote Command Set
Network Communication Standard VXI-11 or VICP, LXI Class C (v 1.2) Compliant
GPIB Port (optional) Supports IEEE – 488.2
LSIB Port (optional) Supports PCIe Gen1 x4 protocol with LeCroy supplied API
Ethernet Port Supports 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet interface (RJ45 port)
USB Ports minimum 6 total (incl. 3 front panel) USB 2.0 ports support Windows compatible devices
External Monitor Port 15 pin D-Type WXGA compatible to support customer-supplied external monitor. DVI and power connector to support LeCroy WPZi-EXTDISP-15 additional touch screen display accessory. Includes support for extended desktop operation with optional LeCroy or other
Peripheral Bus LeCroy LBUS standard

Auxiliary Output

Connector Type BNC, located on front
Signal Types Select from calibrator, control signals or Off
Output Signal 500 Hz–5 MHz square wave or DC level; 2.5mV to 500 mV into 50 Ω (5 mV–1 V into 1 MΩ)
Control Signals Trigger enabled, trigger out, pass/fail status, off

Power Requirements

Voltage 100–240 VAC ±10% at 45-66 Hz; 100-120 VAC ±10% at 380-420 Hz; Automatic AC Voltage Selection;
Max. Power Consumption 850 W/850 VA

Environmental and Safety

Temperature (Operating) +5 °C to +40 °C including CD-RW/DVD-ROM drive
Temperature (Non-Operating) –20 °C to +60 °C
Humidity (Operating) 5% to 80% relative humidity (non-condensing) up to +31 °C. Upper limit derates to 50% relative humidity (non-condensing) at +40 °C.
Humidity (Non-Operating) 5% to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing) as tested per MIL-PRF-28800F
Altitude (Operating) Up to 10,000 ft. (3048 m) at or below +25 °C
Altitude (Non-Operating) Up to 40,000 ft. (12,192 m)
Random Vibration (Operating) 0.5 grms 5 Hz to 500 Hz, 10 minutes in each of three orthogonal axes, 30 minutes total
Random Vibration (Non-Operating) 2.0 grms 5 Hz to 500 Hz, 10 minutes in each of three orthogonal axes, 30 minutes total
Functional Shock 20 g peak, half sine, 11 ms pulse, 3 shocks (positive and negative) in each of three orthogonal axes, 18 shocks total

Physical Dimensions

Dimensions (HWD) 14"H x 18.4"W x 11.4"D (355 x 467 x 289 mm)
Weight 40.5 lbs. (18.4 kg)
Shipping Weight 62 lbs. (28.2 kg)


Certifications CE Compliant, UL and cUL listed; conforms to EN 61326-1, EN 61010-1, UL 61010-1 2nd edition, and CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1-04

Warranty and Service

Warranty and Service 3-year warranty; calibration recommended annually. Optional service programs include extended warranty, upgrades, and calibration services.




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